Multipurpose Dough

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Multipurpose Dough

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680 ml lukewarm Water just a little less than 3 cups
1 kg All Purpose Flour
1.25 tablespoons Dry Yeast
1 teaspoon Kosher Salt
1 teaspoon Sugar

In this recipe I'll try to bring a super basic, simple and detailed instruction for a multipurpose dough.

  • Vegan




Since wheat originated from this region and is being harvested here for over 10,000 years it’s no wonder that bread, and in my region Pita (known as pita pocket) is a star.
Many more Arab bread type exists, some are made just for a special occasion or a holiday.

In this recipe I’ll try to bring a super basic, simple and detailed instruction for a multipurpose dough.
I am not a master backer but this dough has proved it self for many years.

The ingredients are important but the technique plays a major role.

I’m preparing this dough without a mixer using a very nice trick I’ve learned from a pro backer, you’ll see it in the steps below.




In a large mixing bowl mix the flour, salt, sugar and dry yeast. Stir for a second.
Add the water and stir until the dough will start to form. It will be very sticky.
Don't lose hope.

Remove the dough from the bowl to a dry lightly dusted surface.
Still, it will be sticky.
Knead it for 4 minutes, shape into a loaf.

* Make sure to leave some flour for dusting the surface (like 2-3 tablespoons).
* You can first dissolve the yeast with a bit of water but I found that combining them all together produce the same outcome.
* Try to add as little flour as you can during the kneading, the kneading will make the dough nice and uniformed.
* When you knead knead fast. The tension will make the dough less sticky and easier to work with.


Making things a bit faster

Slice the dough to slices as if you are slicing a bread. 
Place each slice back in the mixing bowl, spread them around, and stack them.
Cover and let rise for 10-15 minutes.

Remove the dough from the bowl and keep kneading. 
You'll notice that the dough is much nicer and not as sticky.
Kneed for 7-10 more minutes.

Leave in a warm place until the dough has doubled in size, about 1 hour.


Need a Break?

At this point you may continue on baking your perfect dish, recipes listed below.
Since this kind of bread is so much better when it's fresh right out of the oven you can pause,
refrigerate the dough and attend your other affairs and preparations.

Take it out of the fridge and use, if it was in the fridge for more than an hour take it out about an hour before resuming.

This dough can also be frozen and defrosted.
It will function just as good!
Just put it in a sealed plastic box or bag and place in the freezer.
Defrosting will take about 1-2 hours, you can also defrost it by placing it in the fridge the night before use.

You are done, proceed to your recipe!

Omry Gelber

Hi all, this is me and i love to cook!

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