Ba’ba Ta’mar (Date Filled Pastry)

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Ba’ba Ta’mar (Date Filled Pastry)

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Adjust Servings:
1 KG All Purpose Flour
2 luckeworm cups Water
200 ml Vegetable Oil
50 grams Butter
1/2 a cup Sugar
10 grams Dry Yeast
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
500 grams Date Paste
1, beaten Large eggs
100 grams Sesame Seeds

Coffee break? Just pull a couple of Ba’ba Ta’mar out, pop them in the toaster for 2-3 minutes, and you’ve got a great snack.



    • Dough

    • Filling

    • Garnish



    This pastry is a part of my childhood.
    Usually made for Purim (a Jewish holiday) by Jewish Iraqis.
    My grandmother made these date-filled pastries occasionally: she prepared the dough, the filling, and when the dough was ready, divided it and stuffed it before baking. I love them.

    A great advantage of the Ba’ba Ta’mar pastry: If you don’t eat all of them right away you can freeze them.



    Prepare the Dough

    In a large bowl mix the flour, dry yeast, oil, butter, sugar, salt, and water.
    Knead well (about 10 minutes).


    Let Rise

    Move the dough back to the bowl, lubricate the dough with 4 tablespoons of oil, cover with a towel and let rise for about an hour or until the dough has doubled in size.


    Prepare the dates paste

    In a microwaveable bowl, place the date paste along with 3 spoons of vegetable oil. Microwave for about 2 minutes.
    The paste should come out nice and soft.
    * You can also soften the paste in a saucepan on a low flame for about 5 minutes.
    * Check the paste after 1 minute in the microwave and mix it a bit.
    * Make sure not to burn yourself! If left too long the paste will get extremely hot!


    Prepare the Ba’ba Ta’mar

    It was easy until now...
    Divide the dough into ping-pong-sized balls (about 30 grams each) and place on a floured surface.

    Fill each ball with a teaspoon of the date paste by holding the ball in one hand and using your thumb to create a hole in the dough.
    Fill with the date paste, close, and place back on the floured surface.

    Using a rolling pin, carefully flatten the paste-filled balls into small pita-like discs.

    * Now would be a good time to preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.



    Place the discs on a lined baking sheet.

    Brush the Baba with the beaten egg.

    Sprinkle an abundance of sesame seeds on top.

    Place in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden.
    Caution! Do not try the Ba'ba immediately after you remove them from the oven.
    Cover with a clean towel and let cool.

    If you enjoyed the recipe or have any questions - please leave a comment.

    Omry Gelber

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